Total: 12

    - Recognize priorities and strategic interventions criteria for public action on SDH; - Recognize the importance of primary health care and the participation of civil society in public policies oriented to health equity and social justice in health care, and their interrelation with the SDH agenda; - Recognize past experiences and practical action opportunities in the different contexts of countries and regions.
    - to gain a more critical and deeper insight into the context in which you work; - to build a comprehensive and problem-based vision of SDH, identifying their potential for the design of public policies; - to gain a critical and reflective view to help you identify new ways of overcoming recurring problems.
    - Become familiar with the rationale of the social determinants of health (SDH) and their potential for designing public policies, taking WHO and PAHO work proposals into consideration; - Identify the principles of social justice, health equity, human rights and their relationship as key values for SDH interventions; - Identify structural and intermediary mechanisms underlying health inequities in population groups and territories, as a basis for public policy actions; - Recognize the need for a comprehensive, intersectoral and participatory approach towards understanding and taking actions on SDH.
    - Define the terms pandemic and preparedness; - Describe how pandemic influenza emerges and spreads; - Describe key steps in developing a local preparedness and response plan; - Describe principles of effective communication during a pandemic; - Identify preparedness and response strategies for specific community sectors; - Identify additional resources to support local preparedness and response efforts.